Sinkhole Repairs

What is a Sinkhole?

In a geographical area featuring a type of topography known as karst, which is defined as vast areas of limestone or other soft stone that is prone to eventual dissolving due to water saturation, this natural process of dissolving can cause the formation of sinkholes. Sinkholes are a depression or hole formed in the ground once soluble rocks like limestone, gypsum or dolomite are dissolved. The area forms a depression that is then called a sinkhole. Sinkholes can range in size from a foot deep to 100 feet deep, and they can be several feet wide to much larger width spans.

Why do Sinkholes Form?

Sinkholes form when soft rocky areas comprised of limestone, gypsum or dolomite dissolve from being exposed to water. Underground water that does not have proper drainage outlets, or huge infusions of excess rainwater that can’t properly run off can cause soft rocky terrain to dissolve, resulting in sinkholes. Most of the time, sinkholes will take years to form, but some types of sinkholes can seem as if they are a sudden, unexpected event. If sinkholes happen on private property, they become the concern of the property owner. Sometimes they create a need for professional sink hole repair.

How long does it take for a sinkhole to stop growing?

Before calling for the services of an expert sink hole contractor, you’ll want to be sure the sinkhole has stopped growing and that it has become stabilized. This can take anywhere from a day to several days depending on the weather. In rainy weather, you may want to wait a bit longer. It’s important to be sure the edges of the sinkhole have fully stopped eroding and that the dirt and sediment along the sides of the sinkhole have also stopped collapsing into the sinkhole before trying to repair the area.

How to repair a sinkhole?

Smaller sinkholes can be fixed by filling them in with clay sand and dirt, tamping down the dirt to be sure it’s well packed and re-planting grass at the surface. Larger sinkholes require extra steps like removing debris, smoothing the edges of the sinkhole, testing to be sure the edges and bottom of the hole are sturdy, placing a plug created from cement in the bottom of the hole, and then filling with clay sand for drainage. Finally, the hole is topped with a layer of topsoil. It’s best to consult experts in repairing sinkholes to be sure the problem is thoroughly fixed. Any damages to buildings or surrounding yard areas that were created by the sinkhole also need to be addressed.